
The International Organization for Migration in Turkmenistan (IOM) in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation (EF) organizes a two-day Youth Leadership Camp dedicated to the International Youth Day

A two-day Youth Leadership Camp dedicated to the International Youth Day. Photo: IOM

A two-day Youth Leadership Camp dedicated to the International Youth Day. Photo: IOM

A two-day Youth Leadership Camp dedicated to the International Youth Day. Photo: IOM

The International Organization for Migration in Turkmenistan (IOM) in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation (EF) organizes a two-day Youth Leadership Camp dedicated to the International Youth Day, under the motto "From Youth - for Youth", in the national tourist zone "Avaza" in Turkmenbashi. The Youth Leadership Camp is an event under the “Strengthening Youth Capacity through Community Participation” project implemented by the International Organization for Migration and the Social Innovations in Central Asia (SICA) program, a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

40 young leaders, as well as experts, representatives of science, government, attend this event and public organizations to exchange experience and opinions, discuss topical issues. Moreover, the camp contributes to the creation of a platform for unity, gives the participants the opportunity to meet and communicate with their peers from all over the country, develop useful connections (networking), gain new knowledge and skills, discuss and plan possible joint projects/events in the future.

The camp program consists of educational and team-building activities, including sports competitions, outdoor games, presentations of success stories, hackathon, debates, master classes and thematic lectures, the topics of which were chosen based on the interests of the young camp participants. 

The leadership skills of the participants were clearly manifested during the hackathon, when four teams chose priority tasks and proposed original ways to solve them. The competition was won by two teams who proposed to introduce a mobile application for using public transport for visually impaired people and to conduct an educational campaign to reduce the irrational use of drinking water.

Nino Nadiradze, Director of the US Agency for International Development in Turkmenistan, opening the event, noted that, “giving youth the opportunity to develop and grow is one of the priorities of the US Agency for International Development, and therefore we are pleased to support youth events that bring together young leaders from different corners of the country. And I hope that young people will take the opportunity to take the initiative, exchange ideas and experiences, as well as gain new skills and knowledge that they can further use for the benefit of the social and economic development of the country.”

In the greeting speech of the representative of the office of the International Organization for Migration in Turkmenistan, Gulshirin Annadurdyeva, it was emphasized that “youth plays an important role in the life of society in every state. The harmonious development of young people, their full participation in the life of society and the state are the key to the prosperity and development of the country. Investing in health and education creates and education creates the conditions for the further comprehensive development of young people.” 

Merdanmuhammet Kasymov, representative of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan, noted that “the state program, which is being implemented in the periods from 2021-2025. bears fruit in the form of high sports awards for our young athletes at various international competitions and motivates young people to new achievements.”
“Young people in Turkmenistan stand out for their creative and innovative ideas on how to make a meaningful contribution to their communities. And this youth camp, which provides a unique opportunity to network with like-minded talented young people from all over the country, gives young people an idea of future joint actions,” commented Leyli Yakshieva, a camp participant.

“The Youth Leadership Camp embodies a phenomenon that contributes to the future of our country and its development today,” said Farukh Khodjakulyev, speaker and young leader.
Shabibi Osmanova commented on the camp as follows: “Very intense, active, and overall fun, positive and rewarding event. Here I learned many interesting things and I am very impressed by the friendly atmosphere. I especially enjoyed the Emotional Intelligence session because it is very important for visually impaired people to evaluate and monitor their emotions.”

Two days, according to the participants, were an impulse for creativity, self-expression and realization of potential. The bright event of this summer will be remembered, and new knowledge and established business connections will be useful in their work, study and future social activities.



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Dovlet Chariyev

IOM Communication Focal Point


Tel:+99312 488407

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education